The ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles will give a progress update on the San Pedro Bay Ports Clean Air Action Plan (CAAP) from 10 a.m. to noon on Wednesday, March 8. The meeting will include a status update of the Clean Truck Fund Rate implementation, status of the ports’ Technology Advancement Program projects, and looking at 2022 accomplishments and 2023 priorities.
The meeting will be held virtually and is open to the public. To participate in the meeting, click here to register and receive instructions on how to participate via computer or phone. Minutes of prior meetings can be found here.
Updated in 2017, the CAAP is a comprehensive strategy for accelerating progress toward a zero-emission future while protecting and strengthening the ports’ competitive position in the global economy. Since 2005, port-related air pollution emissions in San Pedro Bay have dropped 86% for diesel particulate matter, 46% for nitrogen oxides, and 95% for sulfur oxides. Targets for reducing greenhouse gases from port-related sources were introduced as part of the 2017 CAAP. The document calls for the ports to reduce GHGs 40% below 1990 levels by 2030 and 80% below 1990 levels by 2050. The Clean Air Action Plan was originally approved in 2006.
The ports will take public comments at the advisory meeting to receive input on CAAP implementation. The agenda will be posted on the CAAP website prior to the meeting. For more information, visit
The San Pedro Bay ports complex is the nation’s busiest and the ninth-busiest in the world. The two ports handle approximately 40% of the nation’s total containerized import traffic and 25% of its total exports. Trade that flows through the San Pedro Bay ports complex generates more than 3 million jobs nationwide.