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MG Revitalizes Presence and Casts Broader Benefit

MG Revitalizes Presence and Casts Broader Benefit

Denver, CO – October 7, 2019 – MG AEC Technology Partners (MG), process innovation specialists, proudly announce a revitalized brand and online presence at https://mg-aec.com. Formerly known as MasterGraphics.aec, the brand is easiest articulated as simply MG.

“MG’s passion is founded on streamlining processes. Simplifying our brand reflects that,” says president Scott Bailey. Building on a platform of expertise in fully integrated software solutions for the AEC industry, MG’s holistic approach to organizational optimization begins with a client workflow analysis in pursuit of solutions tailored to specifics.

MG is honored to support The United States Olympic Museum in developing the Diamond Donor Program, which allows individuals, communities, organizations, and businesses to have their names involved in the museum’s creation. The program takes advantage of the new building’s unique exterior skin, which is composed of nearly 10,000 interlocking aluminum petals, as adopt-a-panel fundraising opportunities.

“U.S. Olympians and Paralympians inspire us all,” says Chris Liedel, chief executive officer of The United States Olympic Museum. “We formed a strategic partnership with MG to make the BIM model accessible to the public in an intuitive, web-ready way.” https://usopm.org/adopt-a-panel/

In September, the Dubai Building Permit Development Committee exhibited a prototypical permitting system showcasing their intent to automate permitting processes. In partnership with Esri and the Dubai Municipality GIS Center, MG helped develop the technology behind the system’s e-submission and automated code checking applications. Planned improvements include enabling BIM documentation to be uploaded online and scanned automatically to highlight non-compliant issues. Key building data like gross floor areas, parking and room counts can be extracted from the model to a building card for asset management. BIM models will be converted to GIS layers that can be visualized in the browser and incorporated in urban planning and presentations.

“The A/E/C industry and surrounding interests are ripe with opportunity to improve performance, profit, and productivity, often by simply optimizing existing technology,” says Bailey.  “MG is committed to adapting technology to innovatively disrupt the status quo. We enjoy the challenge.”

MG’s mission is to build partnerships within the AEC community that enrich economic prosperity and create an environment that inspires innovation and growth for both our clients and staff. MG’s formula for success is simple: we are passionate innovators that take a continuous learning stance, follow our curiosity to test ideas, and work closely with our partners to propel the industry forward.