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NCDOT announces 2018 N.C. Drone Summit and Flight Expo

NCDOT announces 2018 N.C. Drone Summit and Flight Expo

Greensboro, N.C. — The 2018 North Carolina Drone Summit and Flight Expo (NC Drone SAFE) at the Grandover Resort and Conference Center, Aug. 5-7, will feature speakers, exhibitors, and flight demonstrators from around the world that showcase the present and future of the Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS, or drone) industry. The N.C Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Division of Aviation’s UAS Program Office is hosting the event to bring together key leaders from the research, commercial and public safety community across N.C. and the nation.

“North Carolina is on the leading edge of this fast-growing industry,” said NCDOT Director of Aviation Bobby Walston. “We’re excited not only to be bringing the very best of the drone industry here, but also for the chance to showcase the innovation already occurring in our state to the world.”

More than 350 people are expected to attend. Speakers and exhibitors at the event will include personnel from industry trailblazers, regulatory agencies and public safety drone users.

A full agenda will be released in the coming weeks. Additional information and registration can be found at www.ncdronesummit.com.