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NV5 provides stormwater assessment and analysis for NJDOT

NV5 provides stormwater assessment and analysis for NJDOT

Hollywood, Fla. — NV5 Global, Inc. was awarded a contract with the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) to provide identification, assessment and analysis of all NJDOT stormwater basins and roadway drainage outfalls within Region North, an area encompassing eight of New Jersey’s most densely populated counties. This project will bring $1 million in additional fees over 2018, adding to approximately $90 million of total NJDOT work contracted with NV5 since 1986.

NV5 Project Manager Frederick Scherrer, P.E., said, “We look forward to working on this important project and continuing our long-standing relationship and reputation with the NJDOT. By locating, assessing and identifying corrective actions for the State’s stormwater management basins and outfalls, NJDOT will satisfy State and Federal mandates and will also possess the documentation necessary to properly maintain these stormwater facilities, thereby protecting downstream water quality resources.”

Dickerson Wright, P.E., Chairman and CEO of NV5 said, “NV5’s infrastructure group has been providing multidisciplinary services to the NJDOT for many years. This project further solidifies our relationship with public infrastructure clients and positions NV5 for pending state and federal infrastructure improvement programs.”