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AEC TECH NEWS: Miovision launches collaboration platform for transportation project management

Kitchener, Ontario — Miovision, a global provider of traffic systems technology, launched Miovision Central, a cloud-based platform for traffic data projects. Central is a new way to add transparency to traffic projects by organizing, visualizing and sharing data in order to simplify complicated projects.

Transportation planners and engineers shape the traffic flow of our cities. Their projects require the coordination of large amounts of data among stakeholders from different internal and external groups. To complete projects on time and on budget, it is crucial for these groups to align, which is difficult when information is scattered across computer drives, spreadsheets, email and even sticky notes. Miovision Central provides a free centralized platform for cities and their contractors to centralize all of those moving parts, making projects simpler, more productive and more successful.

“Great projects require smart decisions that are driven by good data,” said Kurtis McBride, CEO and co-founder of Miovision. “Unfortunately, that data is often not available to all the different people across different organizations. Accessing, analyzing and visualizing it should be easy. With Miovision Central, now it is.”

Early Central users are already realizing the benefits of improved collaboration and access to data.

“We do a lot of Traffic Impact Studies in New York and New Jersey that require large amounts of supporting information and traffic data,” said Vanessa Jorge, transportation planning engineer at Maser Consulting. “Central brings everything together into one place so I spend less time rummaging through old emails and files and more time processing studies."

The concept behind Central is simple: put data and information at the fingertips of the engineers and planners. Data is the foundation of every major traffic project, and billions of dollars are spent every year predicated on traffic data. Central makes it simpler to receive and analyze that data, helping ensure that engineers and planners can get projects done on time and on budget.

"The traffic data visualizations in Central are very helpful for me when I am analyzing volume trends throughout the day, or comparing how different modes interact with each other,” said Chris Hutchinson, senior traffic engineer at TERRA Engineering. “The visualizations are also useful when presenting complicated data and recommendations at public meetings and to non-traffic professionals.”

Central makes it possible for transportation professionals to define their traffic data projects, then collaborate with clients and colleagues on all files, data and video, using secure modern web-sharing practices. Designed specifically for engineers and planners, Central significantly cuts down on stayed bureaucracy and inefficiencies created by archaic methods of information sharing that are unfortunately the standard for many cities.

“When cities embark on transportation projects, data is often the first thing they need and it’s the last thing they should have to worry about,” McBride said. “Miovision is providing Central for free because empowering traffic professionals to collaborate better improves transportation – and quality of life – for residents.”

For more information or to start a free account, visit https://central.miovision.com