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New galvanized rebar website, brochure, technical center launched

Centennial, Colo. — Corrosion damage to reinforced concrete structures costs an estimated $20 billion annually in the U.S. alone, and this figure is expected to grow by $500 million each year as existing infrastructure continues to age. The use of galvanized reinforcing steel is one solution to this growing problem.

The American Galvanizers Association (AGA) and the International Zinc Association (IZA), in partnership with 11 leading galvanizers, launched a redesigned Galvanized Rebar website, a new rebar market-focused brochure, and a galvanized rebar technical service center.

The responsive website (www.galvanizedrebar.org) features vast technical information related to specifying and designing with galvanized rebar, as well as performance and cost data. An FAQ section provides answers to many questions regarding galvanized rebar, while the Standards section provides an overview of the global standard specifications for zinc coated reinforcing steel.

The site also features case studies from all parts of the world with decades of proven corrosion protection performance, including the Boca Chica Bridge in Key West, Fla., the Sydney Opera House, The National Theater in London, and the New NY Bridge. The Publication section includes downloadable publications with a plethora of information on galvanized reinforcing steel. Additionally, the website includes participating galvanizers’ contact information in the Sponsors section.

The “Galvanized Rebar: It Works” brochure provides an overview of the many benefits of utilizing galvanized rebar in concrete projects. Readers are provided galvanized rebar information and a glimpse of beautiful project photos. The brochure can be downloaded on the new website.

The Galvanized Rebar Technical Center can be reached via email (rebar@galvanizeit.org) or telephone (720-361-4485) or via the GalvInfo Center (info@galvinfo.com; 888-880-8802).