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Urban stormwater summit set for Chicago

Alexandria, Va. — Stormwater runoff is the largest growing source of water pollution across the United States. To help stormwater professionals apply best-in-class solutions to this growing problem, WEF launched the WEF Stormwater Institute (https://wefstormwaterinstitute.org) in 2015. In late 2015, the Institute released a landmark report, Rainfall to Results: The Future of Stormwater (https://wefstormwaterinstitute.org/rainfall-to-results), which was the first effort to identify priorities in the wake of significant rulemaking and resulting rapid changes in the industry.

Great Water Cities 2016: Rainfall to Results in Action (https://www.wef.org/watersummit), May 10-11, 2016, in Chicago, will build upon the Rainfall to Results report and provide the catalyst for continued advancement in several key areas of managing stormwater runoff and valuing it as a resource. Both new and familiar themes will be addressed during the event, through the lens of the stormwater and wet weather sector.

The summit will bring together thought leaders from various sectors who are impacted by and manage urban stormwater and water resources to exchange information and experience on the following areas: 

  • Close the Funding Gap
  • Manage Assets and Resources
  • Work at the Watershed Scale
  • Support Innovation and Best Practices

In addition to plenary discussions, the summit will challenge participants to engage in small groups so that participants can come away with ideas and actionable solutions to successfully meet the challenge of managing and valuing stormwater runoff at the local level. View the complete preliminary draft agenda (subject to change) at www.wef.org/uploadedFiles/Conferences_and_Events/Great%20Water%20Cities%202016%20Preliminary%20Program%20Outline.pdf