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AWWA to publish updated HDPE standards

Irving, Texas — According to the Plastics Pipe Institute, Inc. (PPI), the American Water Works Association (AWWA) will publish a comprehensive updated version of its C906 standard with significant revisions and changes to all of its sections.  The C906-15 update, expected to be published on September 1, 2015, will include enhanced performance high-density polyethylene (HDPE) resins – PE4710 – that improve the durability and reliability of HDPE pressure pipe used in municipal and industrial water and wastewater systems.

"This is truly a significant event, providing great benefits to municipalities, businesses and citizens.  The demands for installation of new pipelines, and revitalization of the deteriorating water pipe infrastructure are urgent and critical," stated Tony Radoszewski, president of the PPI, the major trade association representing all segments of the plastic pipe industry.

“Federal and industry sources estimate that approximately 2.5 billion gallons of drinking water are lost every day because of dilapidated pipes. PE4710 HDPE pipes provide zero-leakage, conserving water and preventing raw sewage from entering into waterways or watersheds, and they are ideal for both trenchless and trenched installations," he continued.  "Standards around the world recognize the full benefits of HDPE pipe, and the AWWA and ANSI approved standard now does too.” 

Updates in C906-15 include:

  • Zero-leakage allowance for improved water supply and water conservation
  • Improved durability of resin
  • Higher pressure class – up to 335 psi
  • Larger internal diameter and increased flow capacity
  • Enhanced surge capacity and fatigue life
  • Covers additional sizes – up to 65” in diameter.

For additional information, go to: www.plasticpipe.org.