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CoMET Business Council publishes do-it-yourself, client-satisfaction survey tool

Silver Spring, Md. — The Construction-Materials Engineering and Testing (CoMET) Business Council has published a new Client-Satisfaction Survey Tool for Firms Providing CoMET Services. A subset of the Geoprofessional Business Association (GBA), the CoMET Business Council developed the new tool to help construction-materials engineering and testing (CoMET) practices gauge their clients’ satisfaction by conducting a survey to elicit client representatives’ opinions about the service they received and their suggestions for improvement.

The new tool’s principal element is a model questionnaire presented in MSWord (.docx) format so CoMET professionals can easily customize the questions and then copy and paste the final text into an online survey service. The tool also includes: guidance on conducting the survey and distributing the questionnaire to client representatives; suggestions for creating and testing the questionnaire; sample correspondence (pre-letter, letter of transmittal, follow-up letter); information about online survey tools; and recommendations for following up on responses and findings.

According to CoMET Business Council Chair Saad M. Hineidi, P.E. (Terracon), “The CoMET Business Council has created some wonderful tools to help members and their clients confront risk and optimize performance. This is the newest development of that process. Firms that use this tool will be able to better satisfy their clients, so both will be able to optimize their performance. And that’s exactly how one should confront the risks that arise when performance is not optimal. We tested this tool extensively to refine it as much as possible before issuance. We know it will be a valuable tool for member firms to apply.”

The survey tool is free to all GBA members. It is available to nonmembers as a guidance tool they can apply to help them develop a unique tool of their own. The nonmember price is $225. It can be ordered from GBA’s website, www.geoprofessional.org.

Obtain more information about the CoMET Business Council at the GBA website (www.geoprofessional.org) or by contacting the organization at info@geoprofessional.org or 301-565-2733