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MBMA names 2014 Executive Committee

CLEVELAND, Ohio – The Metal Building Manufacturers Association (MBMA) approved a new Executive Committee at the MBMA Annual Meeting, held in December 2013 in Atlanta.

New committee members are:

Brad Robeson, Chairman, NCI Building Systems, Inc.
Tom Gilligan, Vice Chairman, Butler Manufacturing
Brad Curtis, Tyler Building Systems, L.P.
Pat Kern, Steel Built Corporation
Ron Kuenkler, American Buildings Company
Phil Raimondo, Behlen Building Systems
Tim Ritchie, ACI Building Systems, Inc.
Jeff Carmean, Ex-Officio, Nucor Building Systems
Rick Kincy, Associate Member, Dominion Building Products

“I am excited and honored to be working with this team of industry leaders,” says Brad Robeson, new MBMA Chairman. “Metal building systems are more accepted than ever and a big reason for that is the dedication of these board members. Their hard work ensures that the metal building systems industry continues to grow, and that the MBMA is recognized as the technical leader in the industry.”

MBMA board members, Associate members and committee members put in countless hours of service throughout the year as they work to promote metal building systems. They do this by working through established MBMA committees in a variety of areas, including, but not limited to: achieving sustainability objectives and addressing code concerns; partnering with the IAS to ensure a smoothly functioning accreditation process; tackling timely and significant insurance matters and safety issues; and directing continued research and testing by MBMA staff and faculty at some of the nation’s leading research universities.

Founded in 1956, MBMA serves manufacturers and suppliers as it works to promote the metal building systems industry. Its membership represents more than $2.2 billion in annual steel shipments and accounts for approximately 49% of the total non-residential low-rise construction market in the United States. The association provides a wealth of technical information on its website, www.mbma.com, for anyone who works with or is interested in metal building systems, and publishes numerous technical manuals and design guides.