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2022 Rising Stars in the AEC Industry Award Nominations OPEN

2022 Rising Stars in the AEC Industry Award Nominations OPEN

Rising Stars in the AEC Industry recognizes younger professionals whose exceptional technical capability, leadership ability, effective teaching or research, or public service has benefited the design professions, their employers, project owners, and society.

Nomination Rules
  • Nominees must be 40 years of age or younger as of Dec. 31, 2021, and working in the United States for a private-sector company (or self-employed), public agency (i.e., federal, state, county, or city), military, a non-profit organization, or educational or research institution. Self-nominations are acceptable.
  • Nominees should have a record of demonstrated exceptional ability and professional accomplishments related to the AEC Industry in one or more of the following capacities: management; leadership; teaching; research; and/or public service.

Originally developed by CE News and Structural Engineer Magazine (now C+S Engineer Media), these awards formerly recognized young professionals only in the civil and structural engineering disciplines. As part of their mission to Elevate the Industry, Zweig Group expanded this award to cover the entire AEC industry.

Rising Star Award winners will be featured in a special issue of Civil + Structural Engineer Magazine (read about the 2021 Rising Stars here) and honored at Zweig Group’s annual conference, the Elevate AEC Conference.

The nomination period closes at midnight (Eastern Time) on March 25, 2022.

Nominate a Rising Star