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2018 TRB Annual Meeting: Calls for papers now open

2018 TRB Annual Meeting: Calls for papers now open

Washington, D.C. — TRB standing committees issued calls for papers for the 97th TRB Annual Meeting, January 7-11, 2018, in Washington, D.C, and/or the Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (TRR).

The deadline to submit papers to be considered for the 2018 TRB Annual Meeting and TRR is August 1, 2017. Papers must be submitted in PDF format via the paper submission website.

Create or update your MyTRB profile now if you plan to attend the Annual Meeting, submit a paper for presentation, and/or submit a paper for publication.

The Annual Meeting paper submission website will open in early June. However, calls for papers are beginning to be posted now to allow the maximum amount of time to respond to them. Also, visit the call for papers site periodically to check for updates, as committees will continue to produce new calls for papers throughout the month of June.

Prospective authors are encouraged to consult Preparing Papers for Peer Review and Presentation at the TRB Annual Meeting at https://onlinepubs.trb.org/onlinepubs/AM/InfoForAuthors.pdf.

All paper presenters at the TRB Annual Meeting are required to register for the meeting. Registration will open in early September.

If you have any questions about submitting a paper, contact MyTRB@nas.edu.