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15th Edition of HDR’s Safe Drinking Water Act wall chart available

15th Edition of HDR’s Safe Drinking Water Act wall chart available

Omaha, Neb. — The 15th edition of HDR’s popular Safe Drinking Water Act wall chart is now available. HDR has distributed more than 1.2 million of the poster-sized charts free to water utilities, schools and professionals around the world since introducing it 25 years ago.

The chart provides an easy-to-use reference to drinking water regulations, including a detailed listing of contaminants and maximum contaminant levels, health effects, and monitoring requirements.

The 15th edition of the chart outlines four key objectives for next steps to safe drinking water:

  • Regulatory compliance
  • Protecting public health
  • Building resiliency
  • Optimizing operations

The chart can be ordered on HDR’s SDWA page at https://www.hdrinc.com/insights/sdwa-regulations-wall-chart, which also links to other reference materials about water treatment and drinking water regulation. Visitors can also order wall charts for condition assessment and drinking water operations.