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AEC TECH NEWS: BIMestiMate prepares measurements, cost estimates, and schedules in BIM technology

AEC TECH NEWS: BIMestiMate prepares measurements, cost estimates, and schedules in BIM technology

Cracow, Poland — The valuation method using BIM technology allows users to shorten the time to develop a simplified and detailed calculations based on data collected from the BIM model. This is important in relation to changes in the project when you can effectively use the relationship between revision and its cost. BIMestiMate has an open structure and may use the models developed in any systems compatible with BIM. Reads, presents and allows users to analyze BIM models saved in the IFC format.


BIMestiMate allows users to:

  • work on BIM models in IFC format;
  • present selected elements or the entire model in accordance with a project for all scopes, including the type of layers, type of floors, type of item, etc.;
  • calculate volume, area, length of elements or group of elements;
  • perform quick and accurate takeoff;
  • generate a schedule based on the amount in BOQ;
  • monitor and manage change;
  • visualize the position of cost estimates in the 3D model; and
  • work on a single- or a multi-position screen — on first, classic text-based interface; the second, graphical user interface — with both interfaces integrated with each other.

More information is available with https://bimestimate.eu/en.